Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home will be boring...

I commented to more than one person that when we got home Raeann was going to be so bored because there's wasn't a ton of people and new experiences around to entertain her. Here's some highlights of the excitement...
Loving on Santana's cat, Ty. I think she missed Tadd a bit.

We did get to take this cute pool home to Colorado. I finally got Raeann to actually get in it here; she wouldn't get in it when we tried it at my parent's house.
She loves the dirt!
Raeann loved this wagon so much, Dad bought us one for our house. They'll be bringing it out in July when they visit.
Elena loved riding in the wagon too!

Sorry the video is sideways (we're not very good at remembering that, are we?). Raeann loved this spring horse and knew exactly how to make it go. Luckily we didn't have to cart this back to CO.

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