Monday, September 15, 2008

Elk Hunting Colorado

Elk Hunting

Last weekend it was a nose to nose encounter with a Mountain Lion (15 yards) this weekend it was two bears. This one was about 45 yards away. I had to bull rush it to get it to leave. You'll have to click the picture to enlarge it if you want to see the Bear. He is just left of center. It is dark in teh timber and he was dark, so it is a bit hard to see.

This bear I saw from my vantage point. It was bout 130 yards away. Again if you click this picture to enlage ti the bear is just left of center. You can see his head.

What not to do in Bear country. That tent had about 3 doors that it didn't come with. Bears can be like a big Raccoon.

Me looking west one evening.

A nice "park." It just looks elky. No elk for us today though. This pic and the ones following are from my trip with my new friends. I met these guys on Saturday and went out Riding on Sunday with them. Great people!

The view as we came out of the dark timber. It was gorgeous. I saw the prettiest scenery I have ever seen in this trip, and a lot of good elk country.

Looking out over elk country.

Here is Curly in front of me riding Elvis his mule.

Gary and Tammy

Another view. Lots of nice aspen groves down there.

This was my favorite view. If only you could have seen all of it panoramically. There was a beautiful basin down in front of us.

More riding. I wish I could have gotten pics of the really rough riding, but I was busy riding trying to stay on my mule and on the trail. There was some wicked steep stuff.

Me riding "Romie." She was a great mule. Gary and Tammy behind me.

A beautiful fluke

This group of sunflowers in our backyard flower garden was a total fluke. We actually used to have our bird feeder sitting here. After some time we found that the sunflower seeds were beginning to sprout around and even in the bird feeder! Shortly after moving the bird feeder to a less fertile spot, these sunflowers began to grow!