Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cascade Falls, Ouray

On the second "practice" day that our babysitter for the school year took Raeann we decided to take advantage of a baby-less day and do some hiking, which I haven't been able to do all summer. I always wanted to go to the Cascade Falls in Ouray. I always see the sign everytime we are there, but we never went. It was actually only about a quarter mile hike two blocks from the main street in Ouray. I thought it was totally worth it.
The falls in the distance. I am actually standing in the streambed, but it was really low as it is the end of the summer. You can see all the rocks and uprooted trees in the bed, as the falls have flooded many times. Much of the town, we learned, is actually a flood zone because of these falls.
From top to bottom. Actually, this is only the lower Cascade Falls. It is actually comprised of 7 falls altogether.
A little closer, looking up. Quite beautiful!

Mike decided to be adventurous and climb up to a ledge that ran through under the falls. He said it was fun; I'm not sure I'd want to be that wet.

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